
... all the roads lead to you

The Unequal Marriage

How much our eyes reveal what we feel? Is it possible to read an entire story through facial expressions? Vasilii Purkiev tells us yes. 

In the work “The Unequal Marriage” he tells the narrative of thousands of women through the faces of two. The first of them appears highlighted: covered in silk, lace and flowers, she is a virgin bride. All the spotlight on her only highlights the fear she feels to see herself surrounded by men who give her no choice but to accept her fate. 

The second woman who appears in the scene is almost fading out, she is a ghost, a memory… The way she looks at her groom and still wears her veil tells us that she has played this role before, she was his first. Her presence says to the young bride: “I’ve been there, I’m you in the future, there’s nowhere to escape.”